ThinSlim Foods Product Review Part 2

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Here is part 1 for the product reviews.

I may have found the magical healthful all-diet-types friendly food company. ThinSlim Foods is just that company. I found them while researching healthier alternatives to quick, packaged foods that claim to be healthy, but have hidden sugars or chemicals you cannot pronounce. ThinSlim Foods is different because all of their products are suitable for pretty much all diets on the market including “Atkins, Diabetics, Dukan, low carb, Keto, South Beach, Weight Watchers, and more.”

Sound too good to be true? Well ThinSlim Foods proves that it can be done. Although it is a more meticulous and more pricey way to produce products, founder Andrew Eckhardt created this company to provide truly good-for-you products that is so hard to find these days. They sell goodies such as bread, bagels, brownies, cookies, muffins, and squares.

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The company was extremely cooperative and willing to work with me so I could spread the word about what an amazing thing that Andrew Eckhardt is doing for the millions of people in the world who think they have to give up taste when living healthier or if they have certain allergies. I was also very impressed with their website. When you click on their products, they have all the allergen, nutrition information, how it was tested, the ingredients, and any other details people would want to know about what exactly they are buying. They also include that on their packaging, like the cinnamon cookie, my personal favorite.

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One of the employees that I was communicating with was kind enough to send along some questions I had about the company to Andrew as well. The Q&A can be found directly below.

1. Which products are your best sellers?

Brownies, Almond Squares, Blueberry Muffins, Plain Bread, Plain Bagels

2. I saw on your website that if you compared your flour that you used to
other flours, yours would be a 100. Is this due to the almond flour and
protein flours that you use?

Yes. That part of the website is just an off the cough way of describing the ‘healthiness’ so that people can visualize the difference. The reason the flours we use are so much healthier is that they are very high in fiber and create no impact on blood sugar levels, unlike other ‘healthy’ flours such as whole grain flour which would actually still be quite unhealthy for diabetics.

3. What are your hopes and plans for the future of the company?

My hope for our products is to someday soon have outlets for them available around the country so that they are available for anyone an everyone who could benefit from them. There are so many people who could live a more enjoyable life using our products. Everyone from actual diabetics to dieters.

4. Can customers expect any new products for the near future?

We are always coming up with new products or new flavors. The latest addition is the Lemon Square, and Chocolate Chip Muffins. Both of which have been released on a trial basis to the customers at We don’t normally put the trial flavors on because they do not have the same, professional packaging as the standard flavors.


As you can tell, ThinSlim Foods is a hardworking company that is genuinely concerned about meeting people’s dietary needs. All of their products are independently lab tested, kosher, non-gmo, diabetic friendly, and much more. You can read more about how they started here and here.



  1. Pingback: ThinSlim Foods Review Part 1 | Just Swimmingly
  2. aleeshalynn · June 23, 2014

    Hi, first of all I love your blog and have read every post 🙂 … Second, I have a question about how you get the archive categories to show up on the top of your website, the only thing I have found is to add them as widgets on the sidebar..?

    • hanab325 · June 23, 2014

      Aww thank you so much! That means a lot to me! If you go to your dashboard, you click on appearance, and then menu.You can add menus and sub items from there.

  3. Sandy · June 15, 2015

    I just ordered some thinslims. The chocolate glazed cookie was odd.moist with no flavor at all. Hmm

    • hanab325 · June 18, 2015

      That’s so strange! I found it really yummy. Maybe you can email them about it? Perhaps you got a dud!

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